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Thanks for the quote from 'Dodgeball'.

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Q: If you can dodge the wrench you can dodge the ball?
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What is the song that plays in the movie dodge ball when they are learning how to dodge?

"Dodge ball".

What size wrench do you need to change the front brakes on a 2001 Dodge Durango?

What size wrench do you need to change the front brakes on a 2001 dodge durango?"

When did Super Dodge Ball happen?

Super Dodge Ball happened in 1987.

What is the cost of a dodge ball?

a dodge ball cost at least $5 to $10

What size wrench do you use to bleed the brakes on a 1998 dodge durango?

A 5/16 brake wrench

What is the wrench size for an oil drain plug on a 4.7 2001 dodge Dakota?

The wrench size is 14mm.

Who is tayshon wrench?

Foot ball player

When was Super Dodge Ball created?

Super Dodge Ball was created in 1987-11.

Are dodge ball and roller dodge same?


What size wrench do you need to bleed the front brakes on a 1997 dodge dakoda?

3/8 Allen wrench

How do you draw DODGE?

Try drawing a dodge ball game ND HAVE SOMEONE dodging a ball

When did Super Dodge Ball Advance happen?

Super Dodge Ball Advance happened in 2001.