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green when its on a tree and brown when it dies

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it'll turn DARK BROWN

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Q: If you boil a maple leaf what color does it turn?
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Do both maple and oak tree's lose their leaves in the fall?

Maple leaves turn a beautiful red color and do fall off the tree.

What color does a iodine turn when there is no starch in a leaf?

Iodine turns a yellow-brown color when there is no starch present in a leaf. This color change indicates the absence of starch, which is detected by the iodine as it interacts with the leaf's compounds.

How could you predict the color a leaves will turn in the fall?

Leaf Chromatography

What will happen to a leaf when you put iodine solution into it?

If iodine solution is added to a leaf, it will turn blue-black in color. This is due to the presence of starch in the leaf which reacts with iodine to produce this color change.

What will happen when you boil a skinless potateo in a mixture of vinegar and colored water?

It will turn to that color that you put in the water and the vineger will make the color stay. It will turn to that color that you put in the water and the vineger will make the color stay.

How could you predict the color a trees leaves will turn in the fall?

The color of a tree's leaves in the fall is mainly determined by the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves. Factors such as temperature, sunlight, and moisture levels can influence chlorophyll production. Typically, trees with more chlorophyll will turn yellow or brown, while those with other pigments like carotenoids will turn orange or red.

Why is the maple syrup is important to Canada?

because the canadians were the first to collect sap from maple trees and turn it into maple syrup. Also, the maple leaf is another symbol of Canada

What type of maple tree always has red leaves?

No, during the spring they are a bright green. During the fall they turn a nice red.

Is a leaf chaning color a physical or chemical change?

Chemical. It has to do with the closing of the part that connects the leaf to the tree and the lack of nutrients causes the leaf to turn colours.

What are the color leafs that turn Mario in to a beaver in super Mario 3D land?

its a raccoon suit but you get the brown leaf or gold leaf.

What did you see on the leaf in the test tube when testing for starch?

If starch is present on the leaf, it will turn blue-black in color when the iodine solution is added. Otherwise, the leaf will remain its natural color.

Why didn't the margins of the leaf turn blue black after the use of the iodine solution?

The margins of the leaf did not turn blue-black because there was no starch present in that area. The iodine solution reacts with starch to produce a blue-black color. If the margins did not turn blue-black, it suggests that there was no starch in that part of the leaf.