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Q: If you are touching the person anywhere is that a foul?
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If a ball is hit strikes the rubber and then goes foul without anyone touching is it fair or foul?

Fair ball the rubber is part of the playing field.

Can a technical foul be called on fans watching the game?

well you connot be called on but if youpiss off someone then they can remove you

If a ball is hit between first and home and hits fair territory first then is fielded in foul territory before passing first base and before touching the ground is the ball considered fair or foul?

foul. the only time you can field a foul ball is if you catch it in the air.

What is the constitutes a foul in bowling?

If you cross the foul line, it will constitute a foul. The most common is your foot sliding past the approach, crossing the line and touching the lane. Another common reason is becoming unbalanced after releasing the ball to where you stumble and a part of your body touches the line or beyond the foul line.

In basketball why can't ypu hit a person and it be called a foul what happen when the other person hits you and you don't have the ball and they do?

You can foul someone whether you or them have the ball. If you make "illegal contact" with another player its a foul.

What is considered fair territory baseball?

anywhere within the 90 degree foul lines

What does a player do to get a team foul?

You have to hit that person doing it on purpose or might be on accident but that will proably count as a foul.

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Can you get a staph infection by touching a paper that an infected person touched?

What is hacking foul?

it tend to be hitting a person on the arm

What happens if a ball hits the pitching rubber directly from a bat and then goes into foul territory without otherwise touching the ground?

MLB Rule 2.00 concerning the definition of a foul ball, found below, states that the ball would be considered foul: " A FOUL BALL is a batted ball that settles on foul territory between home and first base, or between home and third base, or that bounds past first or third base on or over foul territory, or that first falls on foul territory beyond first or third base, or that, while on or over foul territory, touches the person of an umpire or player, or any object foreign to the natural ground.A foul fly shall be judged according to the relative position of the ball and the foul line, including the foul pole, and not as to whether the infielder is on foul or fair territory at the time he touches the ball.Rule 2.00 (Foul Ball) Comment: A batted ball not touched by a fielder, which hits the pitcher's rubber and rebounds into foul territory, between home and first, or between home and third base is a foul ball. "

What is the line at the start of the lane that the bowler can not cross when rolling the boling ball?

The foul line is the term used for the line that a bowler can not cross when delivering the ball. Touching the lane with any part of the body past the line is called a foul.

Who shoots the foul shot if the person who was fouled is hurt?

The person who got fouled who is hurt