One can be of assistance to anyone around them. Many people need help doing various tasks throughout the day and welcome help.
Meals on Wheels or any group that helps the people in the community with assistance.
A little assistance, please? I could not have completed the study without your able assistance. How much assistance did you gain from your assistants?
He allowed them to obtain general writs of assistance so that they could be allowed to enter any location to search for smuggled goods. (The 'writs of assistance' was legal documents that allowed customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods.)
There are many different types of medical assistance programs available in almost any state. Of course these will vary based on the state you are in. It is best to check with your local welfare office to find out.
Yes... There are many questions on this site not yet answered, due to the volume of questions asked. Your assistance could be welcome.
Of course, I will disregard the previous attached report. Let me know if you require any further assistance.
You can check out the Lutheran Services assistance programs.
You are welcome, glad I could be of assistance.
Give assistance to any person injured in the accident.
I could find no evidence that the government gives energy assistance to business, just individuals. could help they are nonprofit