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yes it is legal

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Q: If there is a runner on 3rd with less than 2 outs and is the tieing or winning run the batter hits a foul ball in the outfield is it legal to let the ball drop?
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If there is a runner on third with less than two outs and can be the tieing or winning run the batter hits a foul ball in the outfield is it legal to let the ball drop?

Yes it is. It is actually a very, very smart defensive play. By catching the ball, yes you gain the out, but the runner will most likely score. By letting the ball go, the player gave their pitcher another chance to strike the batter out or have the batter hit a ball in an easier to handle area.

What is the differences in cutting and tieing your tubes?

I had a white discharge and I have not since tieing my tubes what does that mean.. And I know I am ovulating.

Is there a difference between tying and tieing?

The spelling tieing is not an acceptable modern form. The correct spelling is tying (as with die, lie, and vie which form the present participle/gerunds dying, lying, and vying).Some dictionaries will list tieing as an archaic form.

What does not tied mean?

tieing is a method of attaching the layers of a quilt. not tieing it means that another form of quilting is used. good luck,

How do you tie high tops?

It is the same thing as tieing yourshoes

What is the English word of Rassi se Bandanna?

Tieing of rassi

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tieing Algeria but still advancing

How do you do exercise with rope?

skipping tieing it onto a safe surface and pulling to the top

How do you teach a foal to tie?

By tieing it up to a tree or some thing for a short while

Can you say for certain that a female dog is pregnant after tieing with male dog?

no but its highly likely

Is tieing post the correct term for the post where cowboys tied their horses?

No, it is called a hitching post.

What is meant by bondage in the English culture?

Depending on context it can refer to slavery or the physical act of tieing someone up. MLM