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Yes. Regardless of what the final score is, if the pitcher's team does not tie or take the lead after being removed he is credited with the loss.

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Q: If the starting pitcher gives up 2 runs and his team never ties or gains the lead does he get the loss?
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If the starting pitcher is relieved in the 3rd inning and his team is ahead at that time who gets the win the starting pitcher or the reliever?

it all depends. if the starting pitcher goes 5ins or more and leaves the game with the lead he is in-titled to the win. the way the closer gets the win is if he goes in tied or losing and he is the last one to throw a pitch before his team takes the lead and wins the game.

What considerations does umpire use to judge the winning pitcher of a game?

In the event that a winning team's Starting Pitcher is removed from a game before he can pitch the necessary 5 innings to qualify for a win and his team never gives up the lead or never lets the opposing team tie the score then the decision on the Winning Pitcher is at the home team's official scorer's discretion, the field umpires have nothing to do with the decision. According to the rules the official scorer has to make a judgment call on which pitcher pitched the best or most effectively when coming into the game.

How many pitches does a pitcher need to be eligible for a win in 9 inning game?

Pitch count has nothing to do with eligibility to be the winning pitcher. In a scheduled 9-inning game, the starting pitcher must pitch 5 complete innings to be eligible to be the winning pitcher. Relief pitchers must be the pitcher of record when the winning team takes the lead, and never relinquishes the lead, to be the winning pitcher.

When does a pitcher get charged for the win?

yes, if he is the starting pitcher he has to go a minimum of 5 innings and his team has to be leading when he exits the game and never lose their lead and win the game. A pitcher can win in relief if he comes in when the game is tied or his team is losing, and his team rallies after he pitches and win the game, but they can't give up their lead after he pitches or he won't get the win someone else will get the win

Is the word pitcher associated to golf?

No it does not associate with golf it never has.

What must a pitcher accomplish in order to obtain a win?

In order for a pitcher to obtain a win, their team must be leading when they leave the game and their team maintains the lead for the remainder of the game. The pitcher must have pitched at least five innings to be eligible for the win.

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What gives you a shock but can never be seen?

That is electricity.

How long does a pitcher have to release the baseball?

Twelve seconds. But I've never seen it enforced.

What determines losing pitcher in baseball?

The pitcher who allowed the runner to reach base that scored the run that put the opponent team ahead for the rest of the game is tagged with the loss. Once a pitcher's team reties the game, he's "off the hook" for the loss unless he once again allows the lead run that holds up for the rest of the game. An important distinction is that the pitcher who put the runner on base gets the loss, rather than the pitcher who allows the hit that scores the run.

Can a little league pitcher re-enter?

A starting pitcher who is removed cannot re-enter in either league, if he is removed from the game. It's rarely if ever done in Major League baseball, but if a pitcher is removed as a pitcher but placed in another position he can later return to the pitcher position.