two yard line same as an extra point A conversion attempt begins from the same place no matter what the offense chooses to do on that play.
The ring is returned to the giver. Answer First, sorry about the breakup. It is proper to return the ring, but if the recipient chooses not to, it is classiest for the guy not to argue about it. This is undoubtedly a sexist tradition.
the people of Belize chooses the government
== Choose in spanish is== escoger ==
Yes it can be, but only if Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon chooses not to negate the effect (BESD can choose to negate any effect that targets it, and could do so in this case).
The IOC chooses it.
The Prime Minister chooses the cabinet in Canada.
The present singular of "choose" is "chooses."
It depends what the owner of the vehicle chooses to do. If they find out you took their car with out permission they can press charges. The Charges would be minimal considering you returned it, how ever you would have to pay in some way, shape or form.
The Goose chooses his or her friends, like a dog chooses his master.
UNESCO, chooses world heritage sites.
The groom chooses his best man and the bride and groom can choose the ushers.