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A yellow card is a warning, two yellows make a red, a player is sent off when shown a red card. They can also get a straight red for a serious offence.

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Q: If a soccer player is kicked out of a game what card does the referee hold up?
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A referee's warning to a player in soccer?

sometimes a card and sometimes they wll just speak to the player

If a player is kicked out of a soccer game what color card does he receive?

A send off should be signaled by showing a red card to the player.

What is a referee's warning to a player in soccer called?

It usually is called a penalty and is showed by a yellow flag.

Can foul language get you kicked out of soccer?

Foul, abusive, or threatening language is an automatic send off (red card). If it is a player, then that player may not be replaced.

What does the red flag mean in soccer?

Do you mean a red card? When a Referee gives someone a red card in a soccer match, that player is sent of for that match AND the following match. If a player gets 2 yellow cards in THE SAME MATCH, it is the same as getting a red card, and the player hasto leave the field for the match and cannot play for the following match.

How does a soccer referee punish misconduct?

A caution, by showing a yellow card, or a send off, by showing a red card.

When should a soccer referee blow the whistle?

The referee blows the whistle when the time is over. The referee decides when time is over. This can be before a corner kick or even once a corner kick is in the air. Generally if a team is hurrying to get the corner off,

What does the term 'booked' mean in soccer?

If a player commits a foul which is worthy or either a yellow or red card, he is 'booked' whereby the referee writes the players details and details of the foul in his notebook to be reported to the governing body

What do you do if in soccer somebody gets agresive?

It depends on the type of aggression. If the player is putting other players at risk of injury then the referee should give the aggressive player a warning or a red card. Soccer is an aggressive game, if the player isn't breaking any rules then you should also be more aggressive.

Can you get a card in soccer after game?

Yes, you can. The referee's authority extends until he has left the field and the immediate environment of the field. They will show a card in this instance. Even then after that, the referee may include information in his report that the league authorities may act on just as if it were misconduct. e.g. confronting a referee in the parking lot. The referee just wouldn't bother showing a card.

What happens if you are hit with a ball in soccer as a referee?

In most cases play continues. If it was done on intentionally, it depends on the referee but sometimes a yellow maybe even a red card.

What does yellow card mean in soccer?

A yellow card is a warning for a foul committed. It can also given for being verbally abusive towards the referee or other players. It is also given for delaying a game, such as when a Goalie takes too long to take a goal kick.