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they will have to pay a percentage

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Q: If a baseball player under contract from one team is released and goes to another team is the first team still obligated to pay is salary?
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If a baseball player under contract from one team becomes a free agent and goes to another team is the first team still obligated to pay is salary?

By definition, a free agent is a player who is not under contract to a team. Therefore, any player who is under contract cannot become a free agent until that contract expires. The situation in your question can never occur.AnswerWell once you are a free agent your previous team has no financial responsibilities anymore. However the new team that the players signs with, depending on the caliber of the player, will be obligated to give up "compensation draft picks" to the previous team. But if you mean a player under contract gets released and becomes a free agent, that does not apply.

If a baseball contract is sold to another team does that mean the baseball player wanted to be traded?

If a baseball contract is sold to someone else, it usually means that they wanted to be traded. Not always though.

What happens to a MLB released player?

He has been cut from the team and has been released from his contract.

If you bought a car but then found another car with the same company that you liked better can you exchange the cars?

That's between you and the company. They aren't obligated to make such a switch, as your contract became binding the moment you signed it. However, if the company is okay with it, they can simply draw up a new contract and make the switch.

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Obligated, bound, contracted, articled...

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In the verb form, another word would be "obligated".

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Well he is not obligated to tell you.

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They normally contract together.

Can you get another phone for less if you have a contract?

Yes because is if you buy a contract it is going to cost more. And if you don't have a contract it will cost more.

Are you in breech of contract if you start another business while employed?

That would depend on what you contract with your employer binds you to. An employment contract may be a negotiated document and it is therefore not possible to give you a general answer. However, IF your employment contract precludes you from starting another business then YES you would be in breach of contract if you did so.

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A car rear ends another car at a stop light the at fault drivers insurance is obligated to pay for what damages?

the at fault drivers insurance is obligated to pay for damages the insured caused up to the specified policy limits.