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In the amateur years he trained as an engineer,but when the game went professional he couldn't keep his studies up.

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Q: If Jonah Lomu was not playing rugby then what would he be doing now?
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Did Jonah Lomu face any challenges in life or work?

Jonah Lomu was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, a rare and incurable kidney disease. This resulted in him having to have a break from his rugby career until the condition stabilized. If it did not stabilze on its own Jonah would have to received dialysis treatment or a kidney transplant.

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That is unknown at this time- but he has said he would like to continue playing the character since it is a minor role that does not actually need someone else doing it to keep everyone from thinking it is a sequel to the original series.J. Jonah Jameson

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What warning did Jonah the prophet give?

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What has more contact rugby or lacrosse?

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How do you say Jonah in Hebrew?

You say Jonah the same as you would in English, also here is what Jonah would look like in Hebrew גונה ________ There is no 'J' in Hebrew so it would actually be: Yonah

Who is Jonah's mother?

A Jewish tradition holds that Jonah's mother is the woman from Zarephath who built a room for the prophet Elijah to stay in. This would mean Jonah would be the son God raised from the dead through the use of Elijah.

How tall is Jonah Vatunigere?

I would say definitely over 180 cm

What are you doing if you use a lyre?

You would be playing a stringed musical instrument.

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