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Q: Identify the one illogical comparison among the following examples. That racer is 18 months older than the others on the team. The quickest runner on our team beat me by 30 seconds. She runs more fast?
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What are the examples of comparison?

a simile is comparison describing things

What is another word for making no sense?

Illogical, absurd or senseless would all be good examples.

Is there a connection between reason and logic?

Logic is one method of reasoning. For examples of illogical reasoning, search for "Charlie Sheen".

What are the examples of comparisons?

a simile is comparison describing things

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What does illogical mean?

Something illogical does not make sense. Illogical is without reason.The opposite of illogical is logical.Arguments or conclusions that are not supported by the known facts can be called illogical, but sometimes these arguments or conclusions can be borne out as true when more evidence comes in. Also, arguments or conclusions are considered illogical when they are presented as proven, but the known facts are misrepresented in some way, as when they are assumed to have relationships with one another that are not consistent or that do not support a definitive conclusion. There are many examples of logical fallacy; some of them are subtle and take some effort to grasp.Example:Without nourishment, our bodies will soon sicken and die.Cultural knowledge and activites are nourishment.Therefore, without culture, our bodies will soon sicken and die.

Examples of logical comparison?

this cabinet is older than my grandmother

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How do you argue with an illogical person?

When arguing with an illogical person, it's important to stay calm and empathetic. Try to find common ground and use factual evidence or examples to support your points. If the person becomes too emotional or irrational, it may be best to disengage and revisit the conversation later.

My grill is broke and I need help finding out how to fix it?

Depending on what part of the grill is broke, there are different procedures. For examples, you can review the following website to identify the steps to fix grill burners: Use the following website to identify generic steps to fix grills:

What is making comparison?

Comparison is to compare the differences (if any) between two or more given examples.