Don't know for certain, but I was told that the helmets with the green stickers were those with radio communications. And since the NFL would only allow one of those helmets at a time on the field, they designated them with a green sticker.
Jim zorn is the head coach for the Washington redskins hes also know for playing quarterback for the new seatle seahawks expasion team and he was left handed He is no longer Washington Redskin Head Coach. Was fired at the end of the 2009 season.
I dont know who her vocal coach is now but I do know that her first coach was Ron Thompson and I happen to know this because he was my vocal coach!
If you know that it was made in 1948 and he was in the greenbay packers and you know it was on his helmet u should know the answer
We do not know what you mean by an "Olympus" coach.
I know the answer but who are you and why do you want to know where my coach works?
You sleep with his girl
Ned Kelly wore his helmet so that the police wouldn't know it was him.
Build a route tree. Get with your coach and Quaterback or just the quarterback and come up with numbers or letters to decifer passing routes. There are plenty variations on the internet. But, my suggestion is the easier and most run routes should be the first 5 or even using hand signals depends on how much you know each other (quarterback and receiver.)
because you know when he shoots a missle,then the missle hits the person and then he or she is toast. because its like football. you know like the quarterback is trying to catch the ball so he catches it then hes toast.thats why bobas name is the quarterback.
i don't know the exact weight of the helmet, but if you are looking for a comfortable protective helmet, the revo speed of this would be your helmet of choice, but if you are looking for the lighter of the two, take the revo speed
You spell it like this: couch. A coach is an athletic trainer or authority, or a class of travel.