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Usually Cheerleading judges use not only your cheerleading skill but your academic performance when deciding who makes the squad! So, try your hardest to work hard, study, & do your homework! It makes the coach see that you are a hard worker, you are reliable, & that you would be a great addition to his/her squad. :)

If you have low grades by time the "Mandatory Meeting" for cheer comes around, make sure you push to get those grades up there. Often anyone who has below a C isn't a very good candidate, no matter your skill. Benching is usually the action for bad grades & they want to see that they won't have to do that to you!

Hope this really helps! Best of Luck!


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Usually in the Spring through the early Summer! Good Luck! :)

How can you get on the cheerleading team?

Your local school or team of any kind will have tryouts and if your good enough they will put you on the squad.

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well you could make the cheer team with your friends but it all depends on how good you did and how good your friends did at tryouts

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YES ! make tons of eye contact and smile. SMILING is very important.

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Personally when i tried out for cheerleading I was so nervous i was shaking. I took deep breaths to relax. keep saying over and over I can do this i ca do this. that helped me very uch and guess what I made it! just keep your voice loud even if your not as confident as you think you should be! It helps separate you from the rest! good luck at cheer tryouts! hope this helps you! love always Miss.cheerleader

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it can be hard sometimes it depends what kind of squad you go to if you go to a really good squad or an okay squad. some squads don't even have tryouts you can just join

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at times.

Why do they have cheerleading tryouts?

because they want to see what you can do, and if you're good. they usually want people who are experienced enough that don't need to learn something new, so they don't have to waste time teaching them something they should already know.

Are you going tomake the cheer squad?

well, if you're asking if you can make the cheersquad i can answer your question. cheerleading isn't an easy sport like everybody says in the movies. don't do it to become popular, do it to become apart of a hard-working team. before tryouts, you should probably imform yourself about the basic cheerleading motions, if you don't already know about them. Google a website about cheerleading motions, stunts, jumps. Next, you need to make sure you are healthy, not skinny, healthy and muscular. before tryouts, set an amount of push ups, sit ups, dancing, and stretching for yourself and do them daily. prepare and invite friends. do google searches, and practice dances. good luck!!!

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spirit fever is a great cheerleading game

What type of people judge the NFL cheerleading tryouts?

the cheerleaders do, and so do the coaches. It's fun, but You'll feel pressured, and most likely intimidated, but most do. Just do your best and make sure that your movements are as tight as possible and that you always smile. Do your best. Good luck.