

Best Answer

get Viagra or just do the best and hang in there cause ur doing good!!

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Q: I can't keep it hard for long enough to put it in my girlfriend. What should I do so it will stay hard?
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they should stay away from each other for a while like separation until he figures out what he wants and if he loves her enough to wait and be alone for a while to see if the attraction for her is back if not then and he knows she love him he should be honest with her and let go so they both end up in healthier normal relationship

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You cant- you have to tough it and wait it out- get a new girlfriend! YOU CAN DO IT!

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A relationship with two people is hard enough, having a third in the mix is troubling and complex regardless of sexual orientation.

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It means your mad at them.

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Hard to say. Maybe you should ask her.

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i think so if you're looking hard enough..:)

You have Girlfriend but you have crush on a girl but she only likes you has a friend but you cant stop thinking about her what should you do?

Hmmm....This is a hard one. Sound like your in the friend Trap with the girl you have a crush on along with the fact that your it sounds like your relationship with your current Girlfriend is not too healthy. What you need too do is tell your girlfriend that you have a crush on this other girl and that the both (You and your current Girlfriend) need to talk because this worries you. Sounds like a risk and it is but much less then you think and your current Girlfriend will crazy for you more after you say this.

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girlfriend s presence you should look hard for another girl so that your girl thinks that the other girl is flirting with you.