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Q: I am known for some of the world's best soccer players and my official language is Portuguese What city am I?
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What country is known for having some of the world's best soccer players and for having Portuguese as its official language?


What is the most common language used for soccer?

There is no official language on a soccer field. It doesn't matter what language the players and referees speak as long as they all know and understand the rules in their own language.

Which county do most spanish speaking athletes who play soccer come from?

Most of the Spanish-speaking soccer (football) players in the European league are from Spain. Although there are also many players from Brazil, the native language of that country is Portuguese.

How do you say soccer in Brazil?

In portuguese (language spoken in Brazil) "soccer" is called: Futebol

In an official game of soccer how many times players are allowed to play?


What's in Portugal?

The most popular sport in Portugal is football (soccer). However, some Portuguese beach soccer players, volleyballers, rink hockey players, cyclers and Track and Field athletes are known worldwide.

What is the most popular language soccer players use?

English for some reason.

Who determine the official languague of an international soccer tournament?

There is no expectation of any official language for international matches. Referees are able to communicate required information using the whistle, standardized hand and flag signals, and yellow and red cards. The Laws of the Game, the document that governs soccer worldwide, uses English as its official language, but that does not mean that it's the official language of soccer or of any particular match.

How many players are on an official soccer team?

11 players on the pitch for each team at one time, three substitutes may be used.

Does a soccer jersey have to have a number?

In an official match they have to have numbers, so that players can be identified. If players are just practicing or fans are buying shirts, then they don't have to have them.

Who is a Famous Portuguese soccer player?

Cristiano Ronaldo would be the most famous Portuguese soccer player. Some others include Deco, Quaresma, Nani, and Ricardo (goalie).

What languages does Brazilian soccer player kaka speak?

Kaka speaks Portuguese, his native language, as well as English and Italian.