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U.S women's size 7 converts to men's size 5.

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Q: I am a size 7 in woman's what would i be in men's?
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If you wear a size 7 in womans shoes what size would you wear in mens?

a 5 or 5.5

What size shoe do you wear in mens if you wear a womens size 7?

there is no youth 7.. i wear a 5.5 women [3 youth] and 4 in men Actually there is a youth 7, it's just not very commonly sold. It would be an 8.5 womans, or (probably) a 7 mens. lol

What is the equivalent to a womens size 7 shoe?

A youth's size 5 is the same as women's size 7

If you wear a size 9 in womens then what would your shoe size be in mens?

11, because my friend's a size 8 in womens and size 6 in mens

What mens size is a womens size 7 shoe?

I believe that a "Size 7 Mens" = a "Size 9 Women."

Would a woman shoe size9 be 7 in kids or men?

It would be a size 7 mens

Are mens shoes bigger then women?

Yes, they are. I wear a womens size 7 and a boys size 5-5.5... not sure what size that would be in mens.

If you wear a 9 shoe size in womens then what would your shoes size be in mens?

most likely a size 7 mens, but you could just google this if you were curious.

Shoes size 5.5Y what size womans?


If I'm a size 7 in womens show what size am in mens?

your a size 5 in mens

What is a size 7 in men shoes converted to women size? AnswerWomens shoes are approx. 2 sizes bigger than mens. So if a man has size 7 shoes, then a womans would be size 9. I wear mens shoes size 10, but my church shoes and cowboy boots are size 12 in womens. I have had that problem for years...don't like it. lol. Womens shoes are actually smaller, hence why a mans shoe in 7 is a 9 in womens, because a woman's size 7 shoe is to small for him.

If you wear a size 7 in women's shoes what size would you wear in mens shoes?

There is a 1 1/12 size difference between men's and women's shoes. For example a mens size 6 is a women's size 7 1/2.