No she is married. (DAMN) To music promoter Griffin Guess (Lucky man)
He doesn't want to get married yet I guess
AS far as I know married man with a pregnant wife who's having an affair, hardly leave their wife. I guess only one percent of married man do leave their pregnant wife for a reason that they are not ready for big responsibilities of parenthood.
Yes, in that married man just feel about his mistress. I guess that feeling his mistress' simply reality
a man to be married
ANSWER: I'm not surprise and you need to realize that this type of man or a husband is only thinking of himself not others. I guess we can call it selfish. There are some man especially married will say that it doesn't matter if his married, he can still attract woman that he wanted. And this are dangerous man in my opinion...
I am pretty sure Adolf did not get married...but that is my guess
Yes. A married man can either be gay and be married to another man, or a married man can be gay and be married to a woman.
If they get legally married while the man is in prison, they are legally married when the man is released from prison.
I guess he did, he has a daughter.
If either you or he are married, then he is not "your" man.
I guess this married man realize that he will loose a lot if he continued seeing you. What ever this married man and his wife talk about, is your business. You don't have the right to be concern nor upset that he lie to you ,if he really lie to you. You knew that he is married when he approaches you, and that didn't stop you. If I were you I will move on. Stop connecting with him. If he tried to contact you again, don't response. Get your own life and find a single man that can respect you.