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You know if you're good at volleyball by practicing. When you serve it overhand and you do 10, you also know you are good when everyone you play loses to you.

Watch out for the volleyball scouts, they might want you for their team.

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11y ago

Good volleyball can be executed in many different ways. A lot of different plays can make for better volleyball, but the absolute basics for playing good volleyball are good serves and good passes. Serves must be, at the minimum, in and over the net. After this is mastered, serves may be sped up and made harder over the net, eventually even jump serves (Float or Topspin.) Passes must be made by getting low and being on the balls of your feet. With absolute straight arms, sway your body to the ball (Without Swinging) and get the ball to the setter or over the net (depending on the play) I hope this helps (:

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volleyball players and people who like volleyball

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Anyone can play volleyball. Its a fun sport for all ages.

When did Multi Play Volleyball happen?

Multi Play Volleyball happened in 1994.

What beach in San Diego has sand volleyball?

Mission Beach the south end of the beach contains a lot of well taken care of volleyball nets to play beach volleyball :) good luck! :)

What countries besides the US play volleyball?

There are many countries play volleyball besides the US. I think almost all the countries play volleyball, but besides US, Japan, England, China and Canada also play volleyball~

Are lines in play in volleyball?

In volleyball all lines are in