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Q: How would you feel if there were a draft today?
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How do you feel about our nation today?

I feel good, just like I knew that I would.

Is there a possibility a draft could happen today?

The chances of a draft are very slim.

Today I couriered you draft of Rs 13914?

We will couriered today

How would Isaac Newton feel about being famous in today's time?

Isaac Newton would likely feel surprised and honored to be famous in today's time. He may appreciate the recognition for his groundbreaking contributions to physics and mathematics, but also may have been modest and focused on his work rather than seeking fame.

What will happen if there is a small mistake in a demand draft?

It depends on what the mistake is. Usually, a draft would not be cashed by any bank if the draft does not have a clear date, payee name and amount along with signature of a certified authority of the issuing bank. If you feel that any of these values are printed/written illegibly or wrongly in the draft you can ask the draft issuing bank to re-issue the draft.

How do Germans feel about the concentration camps today?

they feel if they had a second chance to go back and Chang it they would

Can a military draft happen today?

It is very unlikely, because even if your country was under attack. Congress would have to meet about it and pass it.

Who would you draft Adrian Peterson of chris Johnson?

i would draft chris johnson

What is the starting age for the draft in the US?

If there were a draft it would be 18.

What is a draft letter?

During WW2, the local government formed a Draft Board who selected young men for military duty. They went through a selection process and sent out a "Draft Letter" informing them to report to for duty. In the 1960's and even today, a young man who reaches the age of 18 must register for Selective Service and he would be sent a Draft Card. When and if he was required for military service, he would be contacted and it could be with a letter.

And its hard to say how you feel today?

And its hard to say how I feel today lame.

How do you use the word medoc in a sentence?

As in " a draft of this medoc will make you feel better" draft means a drink of, this is an excerpt of "the cast of Amontillado" by Edgar Allen Poe