A typical volleyball nets' height, can be anywhere from 5 feet to 5 and a half feet tall- FOR WOMEN. A typical volleyball nets' height for MEN would be about 6 to 6 and a half feet tall. It could be anywhere from 25 feet to 30 feet wide. (across)
net, ball, players
hands hit the vollyball
Vollyball,badmitten,pingpong, and table tennis.
The 10 foot line :)
pully to put the net up
men: 2,43m women: 2,24m mixed: 2,35m
AnswerA net, volleyball, ref and players are needed to play volleyball.
Vollyball and Vollyball are the same things. They are both of the same sports, so basiclly asking the question is pointless.
There is the end line, service line and side line. There is also the 10 ft line and of course the net!
Vollyball was originated in Holyoke, Massachusetts
Heaven's Net is Wide was created in 2007.