120 yards from goal post to goal post and 50 yards wide.
A Canadian football field measures 110 yards from goal line to goal line, and 65 yards wide. The end zones are 20 yards deep.
An American football field measures 100 yards between the goal lines by 53 1/3 yards between the sidelines, with end zones that are 10 yards deep.A Canadian football field measures 110 yards between the goal lines by 65 yards between the sidelines, with end zones that are 20 yards deep.120 yards long by 53 1/3 yards wide
100 yards.
100 yards No, actually, an NFL football field in 53.3 yards wide (160 feet).
The official US football playing field is 120 yards long- 100 yards between the goal lines and end zones which are each 10 yards deep.The field is uniformly 53 1/3 yards wide (160 feet) from sideline to sideline.Metric equivalents : goal to goal 91.44 meters (109.728 meters total), width 48.768 meters.
The goal area is six yards deep and twenty yards wide.
The width of a Canadian football field is 65 yards. The distance between the goal lines is 110 yards. The end zones are 20 yards deep. The goal posts are located on the goal line. Including end zones, the entire area of a Canadian football field is more than half again the entire area of an American football field. The width of the Canadian field, plus the depth of the Canadian end zone, provide a "wide open" style of play in Canada.
It is believed to be 116 yards.
120 yards
From goal post to goal post, it is 120 yards. The endzones are 10 yards long each, in addition the the 100 yards of the playing field.
All football fields are 100 yards long from goal line to goal line