What is the difference between dubstep and techno?
Techno has the "UNCE UNCE" in their songs.....Dubstep doesn't
have UNCE instead it has WuBBBwUBBBBBwwwuuuubbbWUBBB and it drops
the BASS...
^----not correct
the difference is in the synthesis. techno follows beat and
rhythm and just simple beeps that are designed to come from a
synthesizer in many different technological noises but still
flowing around the basic "beeps" and "bops" people usually
associate the "unce" with techno but all the "unce" is, is a simple
bass kick with modified bass usually the "treble high and the bass
down low" dubstep is a combination of several noises that were
never meant to be made by a synthesizer dubstep is a very unique
genre as is glitch hop specifically because both dubstep and glitch
hop are bassically synthesis glitches... people take settings like
reverb and modify them in ways that only technology can handle
dubstep can only be created with a synthesizer or music soft ware
like ableton live or FL studio... in short and simple dubstep is a
glitch techno is what a synthesizer was bassically made for...
dubstep was most likely created on accident by a kid who was
playing with a synthesizer and thought the sound he was producing
were unique and cool... the difference isnt only the way that it
sounds it is the way that it is made dubstep does feature the
"unce" sound just as techno...