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Ice!! Either by placing a bag of it on the sore shoulder or elbow for 15 minutes, or usng a circular motion with a frozen ice cup on sore region for 10 minutes. Repeat this for up to 3 times a day for 72 hours. Nevery ice however and go throw.

Google "jobe excercise" for awesome simple excercies to help strengthen your throwing arm. Also, take ibuprofen to help swelling as well.

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Q: How to get your sore pitching arm to stop hurting?
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Stand up and lean over so you're facing the floor. Let your sore arm dangle straight down. Draw circles in the air with your sore arm. Start with small circles, and then draw bigger ones. Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times during the day. If you have pain, stop. You can try again later.

What development in baseball was Albert Spalding responsible for?

Spalding is given much of the credit for introducing gloves to baseball; after developing a sore arm from pitching, he switched to first base in 1877 and started wearing highly visible black gloves.

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well run and put your rist against thewall