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Q: How the principle of specificity appliednto basketball?
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Principle of Exercise is not one of the three principles of training. The three principles are Overload, Specificity, and Progression.

Why the cardiovascular strength flexibility are is important?

principle of progression, principle of specificity, and maintaining flexibility

In the levels of processing theory there are two types of processing what are they?

1. Transfer-appropriate processing. 2. Encoding specificity principle.

The specificity principle states that you must move from general training to specific and highly specialized training as it relates to your intended goals?


What is specificity principle?

Accounting principles differ throughout the world. Whether you are an accounting student or an investor, you should be aware of the accounting principles that apply in your region.

Harley decided she wanted to improve the shape of her arms by adding a tricep extension to her routine. Which principle is at work?

Specificity because she is using a specific exercise for what she wants to happen

What are the different types of enzyme specificity with examples?

Enzymes exhibit different types of specificity, including substrate specificity (acting on a specific substrate), stereospecificity (acting on a specific stereoisomer), and regiospecificity (acting at a specific region of a substrate). For example, trypsin exhibits substrate specificity by cleaving peptide bonds after lysine or arginine residues, while lactase exhibits substrate specificity by hydrolyzing lactose.

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the levels of specificity are Pronoun,Noun,and Propernoun...

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How do you prounounce specificity in English?

Specificity is pronounced as /ˌspɛsɪˈfɪsɪti/ in English.

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the levels of specificity are Pronoun,Noun,and Propernoun...

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