Messi is now 5'7 (169 cm). When he was 14-15 years old he was very small, so FC Barcelona paid for hormones for him. If he hadn't been given the hormones, he would only be 5'0 (152 cm). He is one of the three best football players in the world now.
Christiano Ronaldi is 28 years old an Lionel Messi is 25 years old
Argentine footballer Lionel Messi is 30 years old (born June 24, 1987).
Argentine footballer Lionel Messi is 30 years old (born June 24, 1987).
Lionel Messi was 24 years old, this was his first world cup.
Lionel messi was 13 years when he joint barcelona. but was 17 years when he played his first game.
Lionel Messi has a girlfriend, not a wife. She is 28 years old currently, and her birthday is in January. She will be 29 on her birthday in January 2014.
The youngest f.I.f.A player is 22 year old Lionel Messi.
Argentine footballer Lionel Messi is 30 years old (born June 24, 1987).
Lionel Messi is 24 years old and was born in Rossarrio.
In 2011 he was 24
His gf name is Antonella roccuzzo27 years old right now since he was born in 1987.