"Did he really dye his beard jet black? Just look at the back of his head. His hair is light brown all over, except for that black beard." "Blackbeard was a pirate, not a Giant!".
the man had a big beard!
Hi unkept beard looked scropulous.
your beard is white and soft
In order to trim one's beard, one should use a wide-tooth comb, a mirror, and a beard trimmer. One should use the comb to brush out the hair and then trim the desired amount. It is very important to balance the symmetry of one's beard.
flaxen beard proffered him a little glass of some refreshing liquid.
A beard is hair grown on your face (as known as facial hair)
The watchman was an ursine man, busky and shambling, with a curly beard and a thick head of hair.
I can give you several sentences.His beard is bristly.The pig has bristly hairs on its body.The bushes on the hill look bristly.
You can use the sentence: She spoke to him reprovingly
we should use had if the sentence is in past tence
You should use the word "I" when it is the subject of a sentence, and the word "me" when it is the object of a sentence or of a preposition. "I want you to understand me." "I want you to listen to me."
It comes from the word protector which today we use for a beard where we use to use it for people with hairy chests