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she was 1 year old.

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Q: How old was Mia Hamm when her dad was transfered to Italy?
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Yes! Bill is Mia Hamm's fathers name.

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Mia Hamm's fathers name is Bob Hamm

What did mia hamm's family do?

mia hamm's dad was a air force pilot. and her mom was a balerina

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Who inspired mia hamm to play soccer?

Her dad

What inspired Mia Hamm to play soccer?

Mia started to like soccer when she was about 3. Her father dicovered soccer games while watching TV one day. Then he started going to games and then he started taking his family with him too. Mia was the youngest in her family so when her brothers and sisters started she was to young. So Hamm waited until she was 5. Then she began. When Mia sarted to play she played an a boys team. And she realized she had a knack for raming te players really fast and scoring. That is how Mia Hamm started to like soccer.

How old is Mia Hamm?

well she had 3 sisters and 2 brothers and a mom and dad and her name is not mia it is mariel and her middle name is Margaret and one sister is named lovedy and the other is Tiffany and one more is Caroline and her brothers names are martin and Garrett and her brother Garrett died when he was 28 and he was 3 years older then her

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