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Q: How old is the world's youngest professor?
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A professor , Whose Lectures on MARATHA and SHIVAJI RAJE are very popular. And he is the worlds youngest addresser.

How old were the youngest couple to get married in the US?

The youngest couple to get married were 9 year old Jayla and 7 year old Jose. here is a link of their story.

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The youngest father on record is said to have been only 13 years old. This occurred in 1912 in the UK.

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The worlds youngest teacher is zero.

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Professor Iya Abubakar is the youngest mathematics professor in nigeria, he become a professor at the age of 28.

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DJ Baby Chino is the worlds youngest dj. He's only 9 years old!

How is the youngest girl in the lion the witch and the wardrobe?

According to Professor Lewis's notes, Lucy is eight years old.

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Armajeep Sada is generally acknowledged as the world's youngest serial killer. In 2007, at the age of 8, he was discovered to have killed three people - all of them less than one year old.

Who is the youngest professor?

Alia Sabur was recognised as on of the youngest college professors at the age of 18

Who is the worlds oldest and youngest professional footballers?

Wayne roony (oldest) youngest ( cristiano ronalfo)

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Possibly Mark Zuckerburg

Which biome is the worlds youngest?

The world's youngest biome is the Tundra from what i heard hope this helped at least a little :/