Drew Brees is 38 years old (birthdate: January 15, 1979).
yes he does, it is called the drew brees foundation. It is a charity to help unprivileged kids.
Yes Drew Brees has three boys: Baylen, 9 Bowen, 7, and Callen, 5
Drew Brees was born on January 15, 1979
As of 2020 Drew Brees has three boys. Baylen, 9 Bowen, 7, and Callen, 5
Drew Brees is a Christian.
Yes, he became one at 17 years old ;)
1 years old
Yes Drew Brees has three boys: Baylen, 9 Bowen, 7, and Callen, 5
His mom is dead.
There was a Drew Bledsoe, but not a Drew Brees.
Drew Brees