Former NBA player Elton Brand is 39 years old (birthdate: March 11, 1979).
Elton Brand's birth name is Elton Tyron Brand.
Elton Brand is 6' 8".
Elton Brand was born on March 11, 1979.
Elton Brand was born on March 11, 1979.
Elton Brand plays for the Atlanta Hawks.
His full name is Elton Tyron Brand.
NBA player Elton Brand weighs 254 pounds.
Elton Brand is number 42 on the Atlanta Hawks.
NBA player Elton Brand made $4000000 in the 2013-2014 season.
He is a 76er.
Elton is 40 years old (birthdate: April 2, 1971).
Elton Brand is a well known NBA basketball player with the Dallas Mavericks. He played college ball at Duke University. He was player of the year in 1999.