Canadian goalie Cameron "Cam" Ward is 33 years old (birthdate: February 29, 1984).
Cam Ward was born February 29, 1984
Cam Ward was born on February 29, 1984.
Cam Ward was born on February 29, 1984.
NHL player Cam Ward is 6'-01''.
Cam Ward plays goalie for the Carolina Hurricanes.
Cam Ward is number 30 on the Carolina Hurricanes.
NHL player Cam Ward shoots left.
NHL player Cam Ward weighs 185 pounds.
Cam Ward - politician - was born on 1971-03-24.
Cam Ward plays for the Carolina Hurricanes.
Cam Ward was born in Sherwood Park, Alberta on 02-29-84.
Cam ward is a hockey player that is currently with the Carolina Hurricanes. One can find information about Cam Ward on sites such as "The Hockey News" or "Rotoworld".