Bob Knight was born October 25, 1940. As of December 2009, Knight would be 69 years old.
College football coach Bobby Bowden is 88 years old (birthdate: November 8, 1929).
There is no age requirement.
Basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski is 70 years old (birthdate: February 13, 1947).
Basketball coach Quinn Buckner is 62 years old (birthdate: August 20, 1954).
Bobby Valentino (UK violinist ,singer & songwriter) is 63 years old(born Robert Beckingham, June 22, 1954).* US R&B singer Bobby V (Valentino) is 37 years old (born February 27, 1980).* US baseball player and coach Bobby Valentine was born May 13, 1950.
Basketball coach John Kundla was 101 years old when he died on July 23, 2017 (birthdate: July 3, 1916).
Now an Ohio State assistant basketball coach, Greg Paulus is 31 years old (birthdate: July 3, 1986).
He was 99 years old and the official cause of death was Natural Causes.
Speedy Morris, St. Joseph's Prep (Philadelphia), 70 years old.
Syracuse basketball coach Jim Boeheim is 73 years old (birthdate: November 17, 1944).
UNC basketball coach Dean Smith was 83 years old when he died on February 7, 2015 (birthdate: February 28, 1931).
The oldest active coach in NCAA division I basketball is Ron Abegglen. Abegglen is the coach of Becker. His record in 2008 was 3-22, and he is currently 71 years old.