Babe Ruth died on August 16, 1948 in New York, NY at the age of 53.
1948-2011= 63 years old (Babe Ruth now)Babe Ruth would be 117 years old if he were still alive.
Babe Ruth would be 117 years old if he were still alive.
Babe Ruth was born February 6, 1895 which would make him 114 years old.
Babe Ruth's Yankees Stadium locker is located in the Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown, NY.
babe Ruth died in 1948! (long time ago!) although if he was still alive he would be 114.
Babe Ruth was 19 years old when he first playerd with the American League Boston Red Sox in 1914.
George Herman Ruth, Sr.
Babe Ruth was Born February 6, 1895 in Baltimore, MD. The Babino would be 118 years old in 2008.
Babe Ruth was 32 years old when he hit home run #60 in 1927.