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you have to atleast be ten to play but you need an adult with you threw the game.

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Q: How old do you have to be to play paint ball in America?
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How old do you have to be in Australia to play paint ball?


How old do you have to paint ball in California?

18 to play by youself, usually 11 or so to play with a parents permission

How old do you have to be able to do paint ball in Adelaide?


What type of ball did Pele play with?

It was the old old type of bladder ball. Not the Jabulani ball, which is terrible.

How old do you have to be to have a BB war?

it does not matter bb's and paint ball are like my fav

How old do you have to be to buy a paint ball gun in the UK?

18 to buy 17 to posses.

How old do you have to be to play a game of paint ball in victorea?

Ten. Most insurance companies require this age as minimum for Paintball establishments, along with a parental wavier for anyone under 18.

How old do you need to be to go to a paint ball gun war?

The minimum insurance age is 10.

How old do you have to be to get a paint ball gun?

18 is the minimum age for purchasing paintball markers, paintballs, or tanks.

How old do you have to be to own a paint ball gun in Pennsylvania?

there is no age limit on owning a marker BUT you must be 18 to purchase them

How old are you suppose to be to have a boyfriend?

if there's grass on the field play ball

How young can you be to play t-ball?

Whenever you're old enough to hit the ball off the stand and run.