Lauren is 16 Years Old
Stephanie is 14 Years Old
Austin is 13 Years Old
Alexa is 12 Years Old
Mario Lemieux was 18 when he was first drafted.
He as 4 kids.
i think we got a pedo on our hands!
Mario Lemieux is still alive.
Mario Lemieux is still alive.
Stephanie Lemieux around 23 years old. Austin Lemieux around 22 years old. Alexa Lemieux around 21 years old. Lauren is 28 years old.
Mario Lemieux was 32 when he first retired in 1997. He came back to the league in 2000 and retired for good in 2006 at the age of 40.
Mario Lemieux was born on October 5, 1965.
Mario Lemieux was born on October 5, 1965.
Mario Lemieux's birth name does not include a middle name.
Mario Lemieux 630 Academy Avenue Sewickley, PA 15143
Lauren, Stephanie, Austin, Alexa , *in that order* 3 girls and one boy