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Q: How often does the suns poles reverse?
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Reverse the poles produced in a coil?

To reverse the poles produced in a coil, you can simply reverse the direction of the current flow through the coil. This will change the magnetic field orientation and reverse the poles.

Where are the Suns rays least direct on the earth?

At the poles

Where is the suns energy less entense on earth?

At the poles.

When the suns magnetic poles switch positions?

When the sun's magnetic poles switch positions, it represents a natural process in the sun's magnetic field known as solar magnetic field reversal. This event occurs approximately every 11 years, marking the peak of the solar cycle. During this time, the magnetic field weakens, flips, and then strengthens again, impacting space weather and solar activity.

How are the suns rays different at the equator compared to the poles?

Only in the angle of incidence.

What happen to the magnetic orientation of rocks as the poles reverse?

There is nothing -_-

What happens to the magnetic orientation of rocks as the poles reverse?

During a magnetic pole reversal, the magnetic orientation of rocks changes to align with the new orientation of the Earth's magnetic field. This means that the magnetization of rocks will also reverse during a geomagnetic field reversal event.

About how do earths magnetic poles reverse?

every 250,000 years :)

What happenes to the magnetic orientation of rock as the poles reverse?

There is nothing -_-

Earths magnetic poles reverse approximately every years?

The Earth's magnetic poles do not reverse every year. On average, the magnetic poles reverse every 200,000 to 300,000 years. The last reversal happened around 780,000 years ago.

What is often hidden in the suns glare?


How long is the suns rotation?

25 days for a rotation at the equator, 34 days for a rotation near the poles.