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that would take 40 minutes and 6 hours.

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Q: How much to layout the lines and paint a basketball court?
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Why is the paint on your outside basketball court blistering?


In basketball what is the Lane?

The lane is between the lines of the paint (the lines where the players line up rebound a foul shot) all the way down the court.

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How do you call the shaded part of the basketball court?

The paint or the painted area

What does Seven shots in the paint mean?

Seven shots in the paint means, seven shots on the basketball court.

How wide is the paint in basketball?

the paint is the box(rectangle) from the backboard to the free throw line

What is a basketball court made out of?

of concrete and paint and some weird chalky stuff

Does the paint surface on lines differ from paint on the rest of the court causing the ball to skip?

Yes, the surface of the line is more slippery then the court itself. This is why you see the head umpire checking the lines instead of the court because the court surface absorbs water and the line does not.

What is the basketball term in the paint?

It is very simple it means literally means the player is standing in the painted part of the court in front of the basketball hoop

IN BASKETBALL What is the meaning of in the paint?

There is a rectangle under the basket on the court. That area is considered the paint, and obviously any points scored in that area would be considered 'points in the paint.'

What is the meaning of 'points in the paint' in basketball?

There is a rectangle under the basket on the court. That area is considered the paint, and obviously any points scored in that area would be considered 'points in the paint.'