As Quoted from the official Dallas Cowboys homepage:
# Cheerleaders are paid $50.00 per home game. Cowgirls will earn a measly $500 ($50 x 10 home games) # There is no pay schedule for rehearsals. # Opportunities for paid appearances and shows are available! Other NFL Teams:
* San Diego Chargers make $60 per home game,
* St Louis Rams squad quad makes $50 per game,
The NFL cheerleader sites make it very clear that the Cheerleader women are required to hold down a full-time job in addition to their Sunday duties.
But there are huge perks to the job. Cheerleaders are in demand to appear at various functions, model for calendars, and perform shows outside of the stadium to help extend the NFL brand. These side gigs pay nicely while the women receive valuable exposure. NFL cheerleaders can also participate in a variety of modeling jobs, public appearances, and television gig, reality shows etc...
Not much at all - most of them have regular jobs and do the Cheerleading as a side gig.
As of July 2014, the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders make approximately 150 dollars per game. The Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders are the most known NFL cheerleaders in the league.
Not much at all - most of them have regular jobs and do the Cheerleading as a side gig.
The Miami Dolphins have the most Cheerleaders.
No NFL teams have no cheerleaders. They all have them and many of them.
Have cheerleaders.
As with their on the field counterparts, cheerleaders often dream of making it to the NFL. However, there are only 36 cheerleaders on a team at one time. This means cuts are steep and competition is extreme. Six teams in the league do not have cheerleaders at this time.
san Diego
atlanta falcons
New orlean saints