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Q: How much responsibility for damage stemming from head trauma should rest on the NFL players who knew they were putting their bodies at risk How much should the NFL be held responsible for?
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When you are selling a car, it is the buyer's responsibility to get the car registered. The seller should sign the title over to the buyer and the buyer is then responsible to take it to the license bureau for further action.

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A person can be responsible and yet have time for their best friend who is sick and it is called 'putting your priorities in order.' If you go to school or work then that is a responsibility, but after that you could drop in on your friend or even phone them if they are up to it just to let them know you are still thinking about them and hoping they get well soon.

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It is often referred to as social responsibility.

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It was all about putting on plays for the public to make money for the players and writers.

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