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Clearly there will be large variation in the amount the players earn as Liverpool has many players from small time 16 year olds playing in youth teams to more experienced playing in Liverpool's first team. Youngest players earn just a few hundred a week, and top players like Torres, Gerrard and Macherano earn up to £150,000 a week depending on how good they are and how wanted they are by other clubs.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Premiership footballers earn an average of £676,000 per year.

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11y ago

They probablly get around 300k a week

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In 2006 the average salary of a premiership fooballer was £676,000! This is shocking, doctors and nurses should get more like this amount, they save lives. Come on!

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it depends how good you are at football and what your club is. but generally, yes, footballers get paid more than nurses

Are women footballers paid the same as men footballers?

No, unfortunately the huge wages enjoyed by male footballers is no where near what female footballers are paid. Some male footballers would be on £100,000 a week, women might be getting £500 at best. It is because there is very little money in the women's game.

How much money did footballers use to get paid?

footballers get played 50,000 a day which is a lot and that is very bad hehehehe LOL this is not true okbut the only thing is true is they get payed way to much have a nice day:D