Enough to cover the money the league is hemmoraging from it's poor management.
Why do we have shops and supermarkets, to buy the things you need and for the sellers to make money.
The safety features relate to most funds having a more diversified position than owning just a few stocks. You also have the added benefit of having professional money managers controlling the investments of the fund. The risk factors include transparency issues (What positions are you really holding in the fund?) and bad decisions made by money managers controlling the fund. Also due to the nature of the markets, investors tend to pull funds from the mutual funds when the markets are down forcing the fund to sell it's investments at the bottom of the markets. They also tend to get a flood of new capital when markets are doing very well forcing them to buy stock when the markets are at their highs. These forces combined with commisions and fees charged by the mutual fund companies make it hard for the average investor to get better performance from a fund than the overall markets.
Yes. You can make a game engine with a game engine and sell it for money, it does not need to be free?.
Game websites can make money through advertisements, selling their games, selling game bonuses, or by asking for donations.
In the US the good ones in major markets make more money then their boss.
There's money to be made in the American and European markets. The people in these markets generally have some money to spend on stuff that the Asian nations can produce economically. The Asians elect to make goods and export them because the stuff they make and ship is wanted, and it can arrive in these markets priced attractively. That allows the suppliers, the Asian companies and their employees, to get paid. The Asians can do just about any manufacturing that the U.S. and Europeans can, and do it about as well. (Where do you think they got the technology to make the stuff they make?) In addition to being able to make stuff, they can do it cheaper, including the shipping. Show them the money.
depends on the game that u make
They invest the money in high interest money markets and various other accounts. They don't loan out their customer's savings accounts, they loan out the money they make off these accounts.
They invest the money in high interest money markets and various other accounts. They don't loan out their customer's savings accounts, they loan out the money they make off these accounts.
They invest the money in high interest money markets and various other accounts. They don't loan out their customer's savings accounts, they loan out the money they make off these accounts.
They invest the money in high interest money markets and various other accounts. They don't loan out their customer's savings accounts, they loan out the money they make off these accounts.
They invest the money in high interest money markets and various other accounts. They don't loan out their customer's savings accounts, they loan out the money they make off these accounts.