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Q: How much money does Michael Jordan make off private prisons in ill?
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What is the role of private prisons?

Private prisons today have a very simple role: to make money by minimizing costs.

What is the role of private prisons today?

Private prisons today have a very simple role: to make money by minimizing costs.

Who makes more money Michael Jordan or magic Johnson?

Definitly Michael Jordan

What is Michael Jordan's wish?

To have fame and money

How much money did Michael Jordan to the MAX gross worldwide?

Michael Jordan to the MAX grossed $18,642,318 worldwide.

How much money did Michael Jordan to the MAX gross domestically?

Michael Jordan to the MAX grossed $18,642,318 in the domestic market.

What was Michael Jordan setbacks?

michael jordan was setback a few times, height, not making varsity team, etc.

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indian hill

What is Michael Jordan's lifestyle?

Michael Jordan lives what could be called a extravagant lifestyle. He has been known to gamble large sums of money on golf shots and hands of cards.