According to "Football Finance," Real Madrid player and captain of the Portugal team, Cristiano Ronaldo, receives €1.083 million per month, or 13 million euros per year.
In USD that is $16,222,700 a year. This is not counting the money he gets from sponsorships, appearances and advertising.
C-Ron earns £280,000 a week at madrid
£27 million nper year
The weekly salary of christiano Ronaldo is 250,000 poumds a week.
480,000 pounds a month
Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the highest paid athletes in the world. He reportedly made $44 million dollars in 2012 between his football contact and various endorsements. His net worth is estimated to be $250 million.
to much for a man of so little talent
17.5 million
Christiano Ronaldo makes money from playing soccer and from endrosements.
probaly on Rooney cause Cristiano ronaldo sucks rooneys dick
As he is paid 250,000 pounds a wek, so it is a huge amount.
cristiano ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro
Cristiano Ronaldo
No, Cristiano Ronaldo does not have a beard.
It depends on how good they are or how old. EXAMPLE: Cristiano Ronaldo gets paid about $370,000
Cristiano Ronaldo has never been pictured smoking but there is an uncertainty as to if he does or not. I doubt he does.