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Q: How much money does Alex Rodriguez get paid - 47k?
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How much did Alex Rodriguez get paid in 2010?

In 2010, Alex Rodriguez's salary was $33,000,000.

How much does Alex Rodriguez get paid?


Who gets paid the most money in sports?

alex rodriguez

How much was Alex Rodriguez paid in 2008 for playing baseball?

Alex Rodriguez was paid $28 mil to play third base for the New York Yankees in the 2008 season

What does Alex Rodriguez get paid in 1 year?

In 2009, Alex Rodriguez's salary was $33 million.

How much did A-rod get paid with the Seattle Mariners?

Alex E Rodriguez got paid Between $200-$dallors for 3 years.

Who are the highest Paid Baseball Players?

Alex Rodriguez

If Alex Rodriguez got paid for every game how much would he make per game?

He would be paid 169,753 dollars a game.

Who's the highest paid baseball player?

Alex Rodriguez

Who has the highest paid sports contract ever?

Alex Rodriguez

Does Alex Rodriguez get paid more than Peyton Manning?


Highest paid player in all sports?

i will think that it is alex rodriguez.