Many fans would say any amount an NFL referee makes is too much, especially after calls go against their team. The refs would argue that they don't make nearly enough for such a thankless job. On any given Sunday, either side could be right. You may remember the bitter pay dispute between the NFL and the referee's union back in 2001 when the zebras went on strike. The NFL hired 112 temporary officials, some of whom had worked the most competitive American College Football conferences. They were paid $8,000 for a guaranteed four weeks. Up to that time, the then-striking officials were earning from $24,825 to $69,990 per season, depending on experience. What do they earn now? A knowledgeable (and hopefully trustworthy) acquaintance states that NFL referees currently earn between $42,295 and $120,998 per season. That might not sound like much, but remember, the NFL season is only 16 games. How do those figures compare with the salaries of refs in other sports? According to, Major League Baseball umpires earn anywhere from $100,000 to $280,000 per season, plus they get a generous expense account. NHL officials make even more -- from $115,000 to $220,000 per season, based on experience. Probably because they have to know how to skate backwards and stay out of the way of swinging hockey sticks.
Refs want more money and benifits.
there are six refs in a NFL football game
NFL players do not get paid extra money they only Can get endoursments
about 300 dollars
no but you do, college
The NFL referee salary (National Football League) ranges from 25,000 to 70,000 per season i.e. a season with 16 games with one-week intervals. The NFL official's average annual income of 27, 000 is lowest when compared to the NBA officials.
how much did who get paid?
yes they get paid extra money
they receive 50%
Yes. Although they work hard and deserve to get paid a nice amount, I still believe that most players are over paid.
What? Explain.