$600 is about average in WI
The Majestic grossed $37,306,334 worldwide.
It varies between the better and what salary they earn but the average casino customer loses about $100 in a typical day.A normal person with a normal salary would probably spend $100?
The Majestic grossed $27,796,042 in the domestic market.
Our casino starts out at $11.50 hr. I have 8 years experience and make $17.13 The casino is located in Louisiana.
$1.52 on "amazon."
It is unclear what is being asked in this question, as it is not clear if one is asking the cost to stay at a Vegas casino or to play at a Vegas casino. If one is playing at a casino the cost it totally dependent on the person that is gambling. The cost to stay at a casino depends on the quality of the casino resort one is staying at as well as the time of year one is traveling. It has been found that the price per night ranges from about $30 to over $160.
Casino grossed $42,438,300 in the domestic market.
There is no set cost for online casino poker. Most online casino poker sites go by how much money you are willing to use or bet on. You can use as much money as you want.
Where I work... Motorcity Casino in Detroit. we make 34 an hr
Casino Jack grossed $2,080,869 worldwide.
Yes, they are much heavier then the average chip and are much more expensive. As a general rule with poker chips, the heavier the chip the better quality. The average casino chip probably weighs about 5 g.