The Savage Arms model 58 16 gage bolt action shotgun is valued at $150 in good condition. It is valued at $50 in fair condition.
This is a desirable weapon to most collectors. If?æin very good condition this piece should bring $300 in today's market.
The Stevens Model 58 Salvage Shotgun with no serial number was probably manufactured in the early 1940's in Chicopee Falls MASS. It's value could range from $400.00 to $ 1500.00 depending on condition. If it has the Chicopee Falls Mass manufacturer on the barrel a good starting point is $ 500.00 and up depending on condition.
$100 in mint condition
100-300 USD depending on condition.
there is a model 311a double barrel shotgun made by Stevens/savage but have not heard of just an 11a. I have a 20ga 311a given to me by my grandpa and he said it was made in the fifties. You can go to Google and type in Stevens model 311 and will pull up information on this shotgun.AnswerRemington made a model 11a but it was not a double barrel it was a semiauto.
have you found the number
50-110 dollars,depending on condition.
Not much in the way of serial number data on Stevens guns. Check with the customer service staff at Savage Arms- Stevens has been part of the Savage brand for nearly 100 years.
Paid 250 dollars at gun show in southern minn. today. Hope this helps
westernfield 20ga shotgun
I don't know. I bought one recently and have had no luck finding info on it. Mine is a 16ga SxS and I assume it was made by Stevens because it looks just like a 20ga Stevens model 311 my brother had when we were kids.
Your wards werstern field 20ga was made buy stevens.The stevens model 94c is valued at between 50-100 dollars.