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around 20 bucks

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Q: How much is lucas oil worth?
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How much is George Lucas worth?

As of July 2010 george lucas is worth 3 Billion will answer all of your celebrity net worth questions.cheers

Is it ok to add lucas oil with regular oil in your 2003 Deville?

Yes, if you are referring to Lucas oil. But if you are referring to Lucas Oil Treatment the answer is no. Do not add any oil treatment to your engine period.

What is Frank Lucas worth now How much money does he have?

like 20 bucks or somethin

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When was Lucas Oil Rail Line created?

Lucas Oil Rail Line was created in 2006.

Why do they call lucas oil stadium lucos oil stadium?

Because the Lucas Oil company paid for naming rights to the stadium.

Can you use Lucas engine oil additive with synthetic oil?

Lucas also makes a synthetic engine oil additive.. Yes.

Can you use lucas oil treatment with mobil high mileage oil?

You can use Lucas oil treatment in just about any type of oil. I use it with Valvoline high mileage.

Is lucas transmission fluid good for your car?

Yes Lucas oil has some really good products. I am not affiliated with Lucas oil in any way, except I use their products.

Is it ok to put lucas in your rear end of a 99 chev?

If the normal is 80w90 gear oil ( or another thick oil )then it is fine to use Lucas oil stabilizer. You just have to be careful nowadays, not so much with differentials but the manual transmissions, many manufacturers are going to atf.

What is the address of Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis?

Lucas Oil Stadium is located at 500 South Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, 46225.

When was Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series created?

Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series was created in 2009.