Check the related question and contact your lawyer if necessary. All Hat No Horse I paid $200.00 for one in very nice condition about two years ago. Hope this helps. Under the current federal firearms laws, a shotgun with a barrel shorter than 18 inches is not legal to own. The penalty if caught with same can be up to ten years in the hoosegow, and/or a fine of $10,000. I'd turn it in to the local police, or talk to a lawyer about how to dispose of it without getting in hot water.
The Stevens double barrel shotgun is worth $350 to $450 dollars. The value is determined by the gun's mechanical condition.
100-300 USD
100-300 USD
$35 to $75, depending on condition.
50-100 USD
Whats the valve of a Stevens model95 12ga shotgun
$85 to $156 depending on condition
I just purchased one for 250 dollars
Made by Stevens for Montgomery Ward. It's equivalent to the Stevens 311. If fully functional, but not in like-new condition, it should be worth $200+ (retail).
i have a t parker double barrel shotgun im wondering how much it is worth?