The card you have is from 1968, Card number 110 from the 1958 Topps set is Johnny Logan. A 1968 Topps Hank Aaron Baseball card number 110 has a book value of about $60.00 in near/mint -mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important.
Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
The card you have is from 1966 and not 1965. The last year of stats will reflect the 1965 season. A 1966 Topps Hank Aaron card number 500 has a book value of about $120.00 in near/mint -mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important. Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly. Professionally grade cards could double the value or more.
roger maris 1986 topps baseball card worth
1955 Topps Hank Aaron baseball card number 47A 1955 Topps Hank Aaron baseball card number 47 has a book value of about $400.00 in near/mint -mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important. Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
1956 Topps Hank Aaron card number 31A 1956 Topps Hank Aaron card number 31 has a book value of about $350.00 in Near Mint - Mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important.Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
1961 Topps Hank Aaron card number 415A 1961 Topps Hank Aaron card number 415 has a book value of about $120.00 in Near Mint - Mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important. Common flaws with Baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly
1966 Topps Hank Aaron card number 500A 1966 Topps Hank Aaron card number 500 has a book value of about $120.00 in near/mint -mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important. Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
1976 Topps Hank Aaron baseball card number 550A 1976 Topps Hank Aaron baseball card number 550 has a book value of about $25.00 in near/mint -mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important.Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly
1962 Topps Hank Aaron card number 320A 1962 Topps Hank Aaron card number 320 has a book value of about $150.00 in Near Mint -Mint condition and about $$40.00 - $75.00 in Very Good - Excellent condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important. Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
A 1959 Topps Hank Aaron AS card number 561 is worth about $125.00 in near/mint -mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important. Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
Less than 25 cents.
1959 Topps Fence Busters Aaron Mathews Card number 212A 1959 Topps Fence Busters Hank Aaron Eddie Mathews Card number 212 has a book value of about $80. in Near Mint condition. Professionally graded cards will sell for more. Condition is important. Common flaws with baseball cards include: rounded edges, creases, off centered, and faded color. Any or all flaws will devalue the card significantly.
It is worth around $30